ggprism - A 'ggplot2' Extension Inspired by 'GraphPad Prism'
Provides various themes, palettes, and other functions that are used to customise ggplots to look like they were made in 'GraphPad Prism'. The 'Prism'-look is achieved with theme_prism() and scale_fill|colour_prism(), axes can be changed with custom guides like guide_prism_minor(), and significance indicators added with add_pvalue().
Last updated 12 months ago
10.41 score 174 stars 4 dependents 1.1k scripts 4.5k downloadsuniprotREST - R wrapper for the UniProt website REST API
Simple functions to access the UniProt website REST API. Wraps httr2 functions to easily map IDs and query all available databases.
Last updated 2 years ago
3.69 score 7 stars 14 scripts